Monday, September 8, 2008

Poetry Project

For the past three weeks, we have been learning about poetry. By the end of this unit, your child will be able to identify and provide examples of metaphors, similes, alliteration, personification and other forms of figurative language. He will be able to identify a poem's rhyme scheme, and he'll explain what an ode is. This is a fun way to begin sixth grade.

Part of this unit includes a two part at-home project. First, your child will be required to recite a short poem. Suggestions have already been sent home. Please make sure your child feels comfortable reciting her poem. This is due September 15th. The second half of the project is due October 2nd. Your child was given a list of project ideas on a pink sheet of paper. Look over these ideas with your child and make sure he understands the directions. Please let me know if you have any questions about this project. I appreciate your help at home.

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Important Dates

November 17th- Research Note Cards due
November 20th - Research Paper due
November 21st- King Tut field trip
December 2nd - First AR test due
January 12th - Second AR test due
January 13th - Second quarter ends