Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A New Quarter!

Your child made it through his first quarter as a middle schooler! Please look over your child's report card and sign it. Let us know if you have any concerns and we will be happy to schedule a conference.

During the second quarter, your child will write a research paper on Ancient Egypt. We will walk through the steps of writing a research paper (looking for good sources, note-taking, bibliographies, outlining, and writing the report). We chose Ancient Egypt because they are currently learning about it in social studies, and we will be visiting the King Tut display later on in November. This will be completed in class and will count as a test grade.

We will also continue to practice fluency by practicing for a reader's theater called, "The Mummy's Curse."

This month, we will also send home a book report project. Please look for it and remind your child to keep up with due dates.

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Important Dates

November 17th- Research Note Cards due
November 20th - Research Paper due
November 21st- King Tut field trip
December 2nd - First AR test due
January 12th - Second AR test due
January 13th - Second quarter ends